Strategic Planning & Advice

Kronley & Associates' customized approach to its clients means that every plan is unique and actionable. The firm’s specific methodology is a product of detailed review and discussion with the client. It is distinguished by ongoing emphasis on enabling stakeholder voice throughout the process, and in developing findings, and providing recommendations. Our planning typically features a deep dive into the contexts in which the organization operates, extensive material review, interviews and focus groups with stakeholders, constituents, and audiences, benchmarking, surfacing opportunities and challenges, and developing a theory of change. A draft plan is prepared and then revised after further discussion with the client.
The firm also responds to requests from philanthropic organizations, corporations and nonprofit organizations regarding program development and implementation, management and governance issues and dissemination of information about the organization’s accomplishments and programs.

Some Strategic Planning Clients
- Academic Distinction Fund of Louisiana
- Alabama Association of Independent Colleges
- Alabama Civil Justice Foundation
- Alabama Power Foundation
- Alumax Foundation
- The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
- The Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation
- BellSouth Foundation
- Benwood Foundation
- Byerly Foundation
- Community Renewal Society
- Center for Leadership in School Reform
- Center for Learning and Competitiveness
- Coahoma Community College
- CommunityCare Foundation
- Community Renewal Society
- Council of Chief State School Officers Project to Improve Achievement in High Poverty Public Schools
- Fund for Theological Education
- Forum on Education and Democracy
- Foundation for the Carolinas
- Hattiesburg Area Education Foundation
- James B. Hunt Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy
- Joyce Foundation
- Linda Hall Library
- Meridian (MS) Public School District
- Northwest Arkansas Community Foundation
- Public Education Network (PEN)
- Piton Foundation
- Public Education Forum of Mississippi
- Tupelo Public School District
Some Strategic Advice Clients
- Council for a Better Louisiana
- The Community Foundation in Jacksonville
- Panasonic Foundation
- Phil Hardin Foundation
- Rockefeller Foundation
- University of Tennessee Chattanooga
- University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation
- Youngstown City Schools