
While much of the advice that Kronley & Associates provides to its clients is for their ears only, many of the firm's reports and analyses have been published. These include policy and program analyses and philanthropic analyses. Other publications include analyses of education programs and policies and work that seeks to promote equity in a various areas.

Funding Change: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Adequate Financing for Educational Equity Initiative in New York (Rockefeller Foundation)

Sustaining Partnerships: Emerging Lessons from the Carnegie Corporation’s Schools for a New Society Initiative (Carnegie Corporation)

Challenging Myths: The Benwood Initiative and Education Reform in Hamilton County (Public Education Foundation)

The Panasonic Foundation and School Reform: 20 Years of Corporate Commitment (Panasonic Foundation)

Reforming Relationships: School Districts, External Organizations and Systemic Change (Annenberg Institute for School Reform)

Maturing Investments: Philanthropy and Middle Grades Reform (Grantmakers for Education)

Inspiring Leadership: A Philanthropic Partnership for Professional Development of Superintendents (BellSouth Foundation)

Teaching Matters: Promoting Quality Instruction in East Baton Rouge Parish (Academic Distinction Fund)

Framing the Field: Professional Development in Context (Finance Project)

From Frontier to Field: A Preliminary Scan of Non-University-Based Leadership Programs for Incumbent Superintendents and Principals (DeWitt Wallace - Reader's Digest Funds)

Learning from Each Other: Questions and Answers about the Clark, Panasonic and Rockefeller Foundations' Long-Term Investments in Comprehensive Education Reform (Grantmakers for Education)

Southern Synergy: The Columbia Group, Business and Education Reform (BellSouth Foundation)

Miles To Go: Maryland (Southern Education Foundation)

Miles To Go (Southern Education Foundation)

Transformation Through Collaboration: Desegregating Higher Education in the Mississippi Delta (Mississippi Institutions for Higher Learning)
Policy & Program Analysis

Identifying Impact, Igniting Innovation: An Assessment of the Atlanta K-12 Design Challenge (R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation)

Beyond Time: An Exploration of the Ford Foundation’s More and Better Learning Time Initiative (Chicago Community Trust)

Funding Change: The Rockefeller Foundation's Adequate Financing for Educational Equity Initiative in New York (Rockefeller Foundation)

Sustaining Partnerships: Emerging Lessons from the Carnegie Corporation's Schools for a New Society Initiative (Carnegie Corporation)

Challenging Myths: The Benwood Initiative and Education Reform in HamiltonCounty (Public Education Foundation)

Intensifying Impact: A Report on the Catalyst Assessment (Cleveland Foundation, George Gund Foundation)

Reforming Relationships: School Districts, External Organizations and Systemic Change (Annenberg Institute for School Reform)

Framing the Field: Professional Development in Context (Finance Project)

Learning from Each Other: Questions and Answers about the Clark, Panasonic and Rockefeller Foundations' Long-Term Investments in Comprehensive Education Reform (Grantmakers for Education)

Transformation Through Collaboration: Desegregating Higher Education in the Mississippi Delta (Mississippi Institutions for Higher Learning)

Defining Quality, Determining Strategies: The First Year of the Forum on Quality Education (The Community Foundation in Jacksonvillle)
Fighting Poverty, Building Community (Council for a Better Louisiana)

Miles To Go: Maryland (Southern Education Foundation)

Miles To Go (Southern Education Foundation)

Transformation Through Collaboration: Desegregating Higher Education in the Mississippi Delta (Mississippi Institutions for Higher Learning)
The Panasonic Foundation and School Reform: 20 Years of Corporate Commitment (Panasonic Foundation)

Maturing Investments: Philanthropy and Middle Grades Reform (Grantmakers for Education)

Inspiring Leadership: A Philanthropic Partnership for Professional Development of Superintendents (BellSouth Foundation)

Learning from Each Other: Questions and Answers about the Clark, Panasonic and Rockefeller Foundations' Long-Term Investments in Comprehensive Education Reform (Grantmakers for Education)

Adding Value, Enhancing Opportunities: New Strategies for the BellSouth Foundation (BellSouth Foundation)

Beyond Grantmaking: The BellSouth Foundation's Operating Program, 1991 - 1995 (BellSouth Foundation)

Inspiring Investments: Goals and Strategies for the Alabama Power Foundation (Alabama Power Foundation)

Fulfilling Reform's Promise: The Need to Expand the Vision of Education in the South (BellSouth Foundation)

Linking High Quality Teacher Preparation to Fundamental School Reform: The Philanthropic Role (BellSouth Foundation)
Strategic Plans

Transforming the Library: Connecting to Community: The Strategic Plan for the Linda Hall Library (Linda Hall Library)

Inspiring Aspirations: New Directions for the Benwood Foundation (Benwood Foundation)

Framing the Future: Emerging Opportunities for the Meridian Public School District (Meridian Public School District)

Valuing Excellence: A Strategic Plan for the Tupelo Public School District (Tupelo Public School District)

Crafting New Development Strategies: Findings and Preliminary Recommendations (Alabama Civil Justice Foundation)

Adding Value, Enhancing Opportunity: New Strategies for the BellSouth Foundation (BellSouth Foundation)

Inspiring Investments: Goals and Strategies for the Alabama Power Foundation (Alabama Power Foundation)

One Organization, Multiple Impacts: The Strategic Plan for the Community Renewal Society (Community Renewal Society)